March                           NEWSLETTER                              2025


The office will be closed March 10 – 14. If you have business matters that need attention during that time, please contact Commonwealth main office at 503-244-2300. If you have an emergency or something that needs immediate attention, please call 541-210-1683 for assistance. You can also send emails to and they will be answered as soon as possible.

Join the Activities Committee for their monthly meeting on March 3 at 6pm. They are in the process of planning activities for upcoming months. Please get your ideas so we can have a fun summer with lots of activities. This is not just a meeting for Potlucks, if you would like to host a how-to-class of some sort, or a demonstration or if you have an activity you would like to see, join them and let them know what your ideas are. Let’s make this a super fun summer with lots of fun activities.

Spring is almost here and so are the weeds. Please keep the weeds around your home cleaned up. Check your side yards as well as your back yards too. Be a kind neighbor and help your neighbors out if you can also.

Join the Activities Committee to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a Corned Beef and Cabbage Potluck with a on Monday March17th at 5:30pm. Bring your favorite Irish Dish to share along with your place settings. There will be cake afterwards for all March birthdays. Please come and celebrate with us.

It is time to check the outside of your homes and do updates as necessary. If your home needs to be painted remember you must get colors approved before starting your project. We would hate to make you redo your painting job if colors are not approved. Get appointments set up if you need skirting repairs or other items you might need a contractor for. Let’s keep our community looking great!

Please remember our rules if you want to get a new pet. They must not weigh more than 25lbs full grown. A pet agreement must be in your file as well. If you are replacing a pet a new pet agreement must be filed. Contact the office for more information.

Donations are still being accepted for spay and neutering stray cats. There are still some that have not been fixed yet and the program is still active. If you would like to help with this, contact the office for more information.

The Friend’s and Neighbor’s group will be meeting March 13th at 11:30am at Crater Café 327 E Pine St, “Sweet” A, Central Point. Please contact Viva at 541-816-9951 if you are planning to attend.

Remember to set your clocks ahead 1 hour on March 9th. Spring is upon us!

We need to have an emergency contact listed for you on file in case something happens, and we need to notify a family member or friend. Please contact the office to make sure that you do have the correct person listed as an emergency contact. It would save a lot of time if something were to happen to you. Please make sure that you have your correct phone number on file as well. The office needs to have updated information in case there is a need to contact you.

February                         NEWSLETTER                           2025

Bring your sweetheart or family or friend and join the Activities Committee for a Sweetheart Breakfast on February 15th from 9:00 – 11:00 am. Strawberry topped waffles with whip cream eggs and sausage will be served for only $5.00 per person. If you would like to help with this function, please contact Cliff Bundy at 541-941-2120.

We would like to thank Debbi White for chairing the Activities Committee this last year. We really appreciate her efforts. Cliff Bundy will be taking over as the chairman for 2025. The Activities Committee will be meeting on Monday February 3rd at 4:00pm at the Community Center. Please join them with your ideas for upcoming events. Let’s get our community active again. I am sure you have a lot of ideas that they could work with.

The Bunco group needs players. If you would like to play this fun dice game, please contact Linda Anderson or Betty Jensen for more information. They meet the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 12:30 at the Community Center.

If you have not signed up for automatic rent payments through Commonwealth please consider doing so. It makes it much easier for you to get your rent paid on time. You can have rent debited from your account on the 1st or 4th of the month. You will still receive your invoice at the end of the month for the following month’s rent amount. With the water charges changing monthly it is an easy way to keep up with the correct amount. Contact the office for more information.

Spring will be here before we know it so get a jump on the weeds and pull them up before they get too bad. It looks like it could be a bad year for weeds. Please stay on top of them so they don’t spread to your neighbors.

The February Birthday Celebration will be on February 17th from 2 – 4 pm. Whether you have a birthday in February or not please join them for a piece of cake to celebrate. This event will be held monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month for that month’s birthdays. Stay to play games afterwards if you like.

The Friend’s and Neighbors group will be meeting at the Wharf for lunch from 2 – 4pm on February 12th. Come join them for a delicious lunch and great company.

Thank you to all that came for the Chili Cookoff. What a success. The 1st place winner was Viva VanNess, 2nd place winner Cheryl Odle and a four-way tie for 3rd place. With a drawing of cards Frank Zimmerman took home the 3rd place award.

January                    NEWSLETTER                   2025

We hope you all had a very nice Holiday season. The new year is here and we hope it will be the best yet!

The Activities Committee is currently holding an open discussion about restructuring the way they operate during 2025. Please join them and participate by bringing your suggestions and ideas of things for the new year to the next meeting on January 6th at 4pm at the Community Center. As always, this group is open to all residents, and we encourage your participation.

Sign ups are now being taken for Casoron Yard Treatments. You can get signed up today for only $15.00 you can get your yards treated for weeds. This treatment is a big help to control weed growth for the coming springtime. The application will need to be applied by February for it to be effective. Call or come to the office to get signed up. Payments must be made before treatments can be applied.

The Friends and Neighbors lunch group will be going to Applebee’s on January 8th at 11:30am if you would like to join them please contact Viva at 541-816-9951. Text is preferred. This group meets monthly at a different restaurant for lunch so consider being a part of it.

Movie night will be held at the Community Center on January 10th at 5:30pm. The movie From Russia With Love will be playing. Bring your own beverage (no alcohol please) and join them for a movie.

There will be a Chili Cookoff on Wednesday January 15th at 5:30pm at the Community Center. There will be voting for the best chili and prizes of $50.00 for first place, $35.00 for second place and $25.00 for third place. So, bring your best chili and enter the contest. Even if you don’t enter the contest please join us for chili and fixings!

There will be a Birthday Month Celebration on the third Monday of each month starting on January 20th. If you have a birthday in January, please join us for a piece of cake to celebrate your birthday. This is a nice way to meet people with something in common. Come by and say happy birthday to everyone anyway.

December                            Newsletter                               2024

The Holidays are here! Please join us on December 5th for our Annual Holiday Potluck. There is a signup sheet at the clubhouse. Please let us know how many will be in your party and what you are going to bring. There will be an Ugly Sweater contest and a White Elephant Gift Exchange for those who want to participate also. Bring a wrapped gift if you want to participate of at least a $10.00 value and drag out those ugly sweaters for a chance to win a prize. We need to know how many will be attending so we can have seating set up and enough food to go around so please sign up today.

The owners of Aspens on the Creek are providing dinner coupons again this year to Texas Roadhouse. Your coupons will arrive in your mailboxs soon. The $20.00 coupons are good December 16 – 19th only. There are no exceptions. You can order your food to go or dine in. Remember that gratuity and alcohol are not included in this coupon. Texas Roadhouse hours are 3:00 - 9:00pm, with an early bird special from 3:00 – 5:00pm. The phone number to call in your order or reservation is 541-772-2052. We hope you will enjoy your meal.

The Activities Committee will be meeting on December 2nd at 4pm. Please join them and volunteer your time for upcoming events. We are still looking for someone to take over at the first of the year when Debbi White would like to step down. This can be a shared position. If we can’t find someone to step up and take over activities for the community may suffer in the next year.      

The Bunco group will be playing on December 12th. They will be meeting only once this month. They start promptly at 1:00pm, so try and be there by 12:45pm. If you are interested in joining them, please contact Linda Anderson at 541-637-8889 or Betty Jensen 541-531-0657. Start the new year off with a new activity and join them on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.

Get signed up for automatic rent payments. You can have your rent debited from your account on the 1st or the 4th of the month. With the rent amount changing monthly it is an easy way to keep up with it. You will still receive an invoice at the end of the month for the following month’s amount. Forms are available at the office to get signed up today.

We do have the food donation box still available, but please do not put outdated food in it. We cannot donate outdated food to the food banks. If you would like to donate food that is not outdated, you may just put it in the box near the office to be donated or for others in the community to take as needed.

The Friends and Neighbors group will be meeting at Jacksonville Inn on December 15th at 11:30am. If you would like to join them, please contact Debbi White at 541-621-6462. Text messages are preferred.

Movie Night will be December13th at 5:30pm at the Community Center. The movie playing will be Love Actually. Bring a drink (no alcohol please) and join them for popcorn and a movie. Come on in and enjoy our new seating and have an evening out with friends.

NOVEMBER                    NEWSLETTER                          2024

Fall is upon us! Please keep your leaves clear around your sites in the front, sides and back. Please put them in 1 large pile in front of your homes instead of several small ones. Kevin will be picking up daily as needed.

We have a beautiful clubhouse for you to use for your gatherings. If you want to reserve the clubhouse, please get your request in. The dates are filling up quickly. There is a $50.00 deposit, and you will get that back when things are clean and tidy.

The Activities Committee will be meeting on November 4th at 4pm to discuss the upcoming events. We are looking for a new chairman to organize and take charge for events for the next year. Debbi White has been doing the job but has decided to step down. If you are interested in this position or would like to volunteer, please join them at the upcoming meeting.

The next movie night will be held at the community center on November 8th at 5:30pm. They will be showing Road to Morocco. Please consider bringing a snack to share and joining them. See the bulletin board for upcoming movies.

The Friend’s and Neighbors group will be having lunch on November 13th at 11:30 at Las Palmas at 1501 Sage Road, Medford. They are always looking for more people to join in an early afternoon lunch at a new place each month.

I can’t believe we have to say this again but, if the dumpster area is locked the dumpsters are full. DO NOT throw things over the fence, the gate is locked for a reason, that being it is full! The dumpsters being full are usually caused by people throwing things in the dumpster that do not belong there. There is a camera set up and working so we know who disposes of items that are not allowed and you may be asked to come and remove those items from the dumpster.

Please do a winter inspection of your sites to make sure there are no water leaks in your water heater area or under or around your homes, make sure your skirting is attached to not allow rodents and critters under your home. We have made attempts to control the skunks, opossums, racoons and cats at a great cost. They will be looking for shelter as the weather starts to change and under your homes are prime resting areas for them. If you make sure that they can’t get under your homes, you will be doing yourself a favor.

There will be no potluck for November. The next Potluck will be the Annual Holiday Potluck on December 5th starting at 5:00pm at the clubhouse. Please sign up at the clubhouse so we can have enough tables and chairs set up and have enough turkey and ham to go around. The owners of Aspens on the Creek will be again providing turkey and ham for this potluck. We ask that you bring a dish to share. If you are bringing extra guests, please bring an extra dish to share as well.  There will be a White Elephant gift exchange after the potluck. If you would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift for the exchange. If you would like to wear your ugly sweater as well there may be a prize for the best ugly sweater. Join us for an evening of fun!

October                          NEWSLETTER                             2024

Fall is here and the leaves are starting to fall. Please keep them cleaned up in one large pile rather than several small piles at your curb for Kevin to pick up on a daily basis as needed. Only leaves should be in the piles, no debris mixed in as they go separate places when disposed of. Debris will still be picked up on Tuesdays as usual. Please keep your sites clean. If you need someone to blow leaves, please contact the office for a list of yard maintenance companies that may be able to help you at a reasonable cost. If you know someone that provides a yard maintenance service, please let the office know so we can add it to our list.

The office will be closed September 26th – 30th. It may be open for limited hours the first couple weeks of October. You can call the cell phone for assistance at 541-210-1683 or send an email to Emails will be answered as soon as possible, and the phone will be answered any time of the day or night.

Avista Gas Company will be starting to replace lines on the back street soon. This should be completed by the end of November. Please have patience when using the back street behind the Community Center in October and November. This is not something Aspens on the Creek requested for them to do, they are updating their system for safety reasons. So again, please be patient, it will be over soon. They will start on the next section next year as their budget allows.

The semi-annual Yard Sale will be October 5th & 6th. Due to scheduling conflicts the date has been changed to those dates. As always you may set up on Friday just, please do not block garbage pickup or block mailboxes. All unsold items must be removed from your sites by the following Wednesday October 9th.

The Activities Committee will be meeting at the Community Center on October 7th at 4pm. They will be planning the annual Holiday Potluck, and volunteers are needed to help make this a success. Please join them and help.

The Friend’s & Neighbors group will be meeting at Olive Garden at 11:30 on October 9th for their monthly lunch. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Debbi White at 541-601-5808. Text to her is preferred.

Movie Night will be October 11th at 5:30pm at the Community Center. Come watch Arsenic and Old Lace with friends. Bring your own beverages (no alcohol) and possibly a snack to share.

The Coffee, Breads and Spreads will have their get together on October 12th from 9:30 – 11:30. Please join them and feel free to bring something homemade or store bought to share with them.

There will be a Potluck on October 23rd. The theme for this potluck will be Harvest Festival. Please bring your favorite fall harvest dish to share and join in for a great Potluck. Our newly updated kitchen along with our updated Community Center is ready for gatherings.

We cannot stress enough that if you see something going on that is a concern, please call the cell phone or the police when it is occurring. When you report things a few days after we really can’t do anything about it, we need to know when it is happening to take care of problems it doesn’t matter what time of day or night it is. We want to keep our community safe and if we all work together we can. So call when it is happening!